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Monday, June 14, 2010

Now I've Had the Time of My Life (and I've never felt like this before)

Dirty Dancing...quite possibly the best movie on the planet. Gotta love Mr. Swayze. 

Okay, so day twelve was a success...even though I crammed myself full of almonds. But, this is a learning experience and I'm doing my best not to be too judgmental of myself. Good news? I don't have anymore no more stuffing! lol. 

Day Thirteen: Get the Junk Food Out! (Outta Sight Outta Mind) 

Ya, so this day kinda sucks for me, cuz I live in a house full of junk food eaters, and I'm surrounded by junk food at work. I really like to make things hard on myself don't I? Lol. But no really, I've been thinking about this a lot, and I realized that if eating raw and being healthy is something that I truly want to do, then my outside circumstances shouldn't make that big of a difference or have too much effect on my daily decisions. If I make up my mind to do something, then nothing is going to steer me away from my goal. Ya, they might create bumps in the road, but who ever said change was easy? Who ever said life was easy?!? We aren't meant to coast through life without challenges, we're here to learn and grow strong. I am thankful for ever trial I've ever had, they have all molded me into the person I am today. My life has been full of ups and downs, and I know myself so much better for them. Everything truly does happen for a reason, we may not understand the reasons, but there is a force that is a million cazzillion times bigger than us that is at work. Just trust that everything is happening for the good of everyone. It's a design, a flow...go with it!

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