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Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Been a Long Time Coming, But I Know A Change Gonna Come (oh yes it will)

Okay, ever wish for something then have that wish finally come true? Pretty amazing right? Well, I feel on top of the world right now. Yes, I'm taking a huge risk. Yes, I'm leaving a job where I make more than enough money to get by. And, yes I have no idea what my life is going to be like once I make this huge leap...but not knowing is exciting! 

So what is it that I'm doing? I'm moving to Hawaii!! Ya...hard decision right? Lol. 

I do have to cut this short cuz I gotta go to work, but I just wanted to get one big Woo Whoo out before I ventured off into the day. I am going to miss everyone so much...and I am going to miss karaoke ha ha sad that I love it so much, but I honestly will miss going out and singing. Music is such a huge part of my life. Maybe there will be some musical opportunities for me in Hawaii...ya never know. 

It's funny, I was thinking about my life and all the events that led me up to where I am right now. If I never would have gotten sick, I never would have discovered all the life saving information I now know. I wouldn't have such a high appreciation for life, and I sure as heck wouldn't be so grateful for everything around me. Life is very valuable. Believe it or not, we all have a purpose of some sort. And I don't necessarily think we have to know what that purpose is. In my own life I've found it much easier to just go with the flow of things. We all have certain passions and dreams that have been placed in our hearts. Those dreams are there for a reason - just go with them. I know at times it may seem impossible to achieve the things we are being called to do, but that's where the whole faith thing comes in. We don't always have to know the way, the way will be shown to us. When we are ready for something, it will be presented to us. I like this : "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Just believe that you can do it, and everything you need will come flooding your way. 

I truly believe in my heart that our ways are paved out for us according to what it is we have set in our minds. Just make up your mind about what it is you want, and let God take care of the rest. Planning may be smart sometimes, but how great would it be to live life without a plan, and instead just take life as it came. This is a silly little analogy, but every time I buy food ahead of time it always ends up going to waist. Now, if I would have just waited to buy the food until I was going to eat it then it would have been used...and vuwalla - no waist! Think about that. 

Alright, alright gotta sign off. Work time! 

Enjoy the sun!! Vitamin D baby : )


  1. Hey Honey, what foods are rich in B-12? I heard that B-12 is good for stress, anxiety and helps you sleep. Let me know. I love you and support you in this leap of faith. I know God will be with you, when I can't be. The sky's the limit!

  2. Lol I hate to say this, but I know that meat is high in B-12. I would go for a supplement over the meat source though. My naturopath gave me a good one a long time ago that dissolves under your tongue. Also, I'm pretty sure that nutritional yeast has a decent amount of B-12. I'll look into it for ya. Wanna know the best thing for stress though? Prayer...and that's free :)
