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Friday, June 18, 2010

Baby You're All That I Want, When You're Lyin Here In My Arms (I'm Finding It Hard to Believe We're in Heaven)

So0o yeah, I totally have had that song stuck in my head ALL day...but I'm not complaining, I love that song! And, I do feel that I'm finding it hard to believe that we can obtain heaven here on Earth. So, maybe it was a good title for my blog today. 

I know that the other day I was questioning my choice to follow a raw lifestyle...I call it a lifestyle, and not a diet because I loath the word diet lol. And it really is a total lifestyle transformation to venture down the raw path. Change in many people's eyes can be very...what's the word...stressful! Not only stressful for the person making the changes, but also for the people involved in their lives. I think a lot of people like to be comfortable and  know what to expect. So when we go around making changes it not only stirs up our world, but also stirs up the world of the ones we come in contact with. So, maybe it's sometimes important to change our surroundings when making a major lifestyle shift. 

 I'm remembering back to when I first decided to quit drinking. Now, I had drank for like 10 or so years I this was something that was a big comfort in my life, and it was almost habit to go out on the weekends and indulge in the party scene. Well, when I made the choice to stop I still thought I could go to parties and have fun. Wrong! It was horrible! I felt like a crazy person...surrounded by the one thing I wanted to avoid made it almost impossible for me to think of anything else but slammin' back a couple of shots. So, what did I do? I left the party! Embarrassing? A little. And it sure was a huge shot at my ego to know that I couldn't even resist a drink, but I knew that drinking was something that was causing unhealthy patterns in my life, and I was ready to clean up. 

With that said, I would like to take back my statement from yesterday about being bored with raw food. I am not bored with raw food, I am just surrounded by way too much of the stuff I want to remove from my life, and it's clouding my vision a bit. I am such a firm believer in common sense, and eating a diet made up of fresh, living food to live a long healthy life is the most sensible thing that I've ever heard. Yes, I will be completely honest...over the last two days I've made some horrible meal choices...and I mean horrible. And what now? Well, now I feel like poo. Literally. My stomach is on the fritz...I'm super bloated and uncomfortable. I feel spacey and tired. From an outsiders perspective I'm sure it looks like I'm getting through my day just fine, but on the inside I feel weighed down and yucky. 

Solution? Oh, come know what I'm going to get back on track with what I know in my heart is the right thing to do! I remember a while back when I was really struggling with my health- I asked God to please show me a way to improve my situation so that I could live a happy life, and be better able to do all the things I want to accomplish within the world. I truly believe that God has shown me raw nutrition to use as a tool to achieve my goals. Purifying the body is such an important thing, and it opens up so much room to expand and grow within the world. When we feel good it's so much easier to do the things we really want to do. When we have energy it's a breeze to engage ourselves in positive activities. When we feel good about ourselves we connect with people better, and love spills out for everyone to see. 

I just re-read a paper I wrote for school. It was about raw food and all its benefits. I am so glad to have writing in my life. To be able to draw inspiration from something I've written myself makes it a whole lot easier than hearing something second hand. In my paper I talked so much about how great I felt, and how much energy I had. I am happy that God sends little reminders to me. I do not feel bad about the last couple of days, I know that everything is a learning experience...and being reminded of how I had to totally change my surrounding when quitting drinking has given me the courage to step out and change my surroundings again. I am now easily able to be around alcohol and not even think twice about having any. I know this will be true with my current eating habits as well. I am no saint, and I know that it will take more than just sheer will power for me to make this change, but I am ready. God knows this, and I am excited to see where this new journey takes me.

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