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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let it be, Let it be...Let it be, Let it be (speaking words of wisdom, let it be)

So0o I'm bored...I'm bored with the whole raw food thing and trying to live my life to perfection. Can I do it, yes. Do I want to? I don't know. 

I just finished watching a youtube interview with a guy named Daniel Vitalis (thanks to ganstafied raw foodie Lisa Paris). Whoa! What a smart man. Shook up a lot of my views. It's actually kinda funny that I was drawn to watch that video today because it brought up a lot of issues that I've talked about in the past. Living life as a human, in my eyes, is all about freedom. Limitations shouldn't exist. We are unlimited beings, and are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. 

So, with that said...wouldn't smacking the label of raw foodist on myself sort of be limiting? Yes, yes to all my raw food friends, I know how beneficial eating a pure diet is, and I'm not doggin' on it one bit...but I just feel that labels at times create walls. And I want to be a wall free, open to all things type of person. And this isn't just about food, it goes for anything...religion, career, relationships...making groups is a good thing, it can draw people who have like interests together...but then what about the people outside the group? Are they to feel unwanted because they don't fit in? Shouldn't we all be accepting of each other no matter what? What if there was no religion, no groups, no affiliations, and we all just lived open and free- Connecting with each other on the fact that we are all human beings, made from the same source, and not as people with set agendas and values. Judgment would be put aside because we would all just accept one another, and appreciate the differences each and every one of us possess. I'd like to hop from person to person and figure out as much as I can about the people I live around. Connection is what it's all about. 

I have found that a lot of times I don't want to tell people the way I eat because it creates judgment, and I don't want to be defined by what I eat. What I eat does not make me who I am. I was alive long before I ate the way I do today, and I will continue to live even if I choose to eat differently tomorrow. I know myself. And I know that the most important thing in life is to get joy out of the things you're doing. If you're not having fun with something then obviously there is something wrong. Life is not about putting a bunch of rules in place, it is about doing the best you can with what is presented to you. 

I've become obsessed with health, and in the process created an unhealthy view of the entire world. For a while I was constantly judging the people I saw eating and doing things that were, in my opinion at the time, unfit. My days revolved around looking at something and putting a good or bad label on it. I love this quote, "I define nothing, not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be." Bob Dylan. Who am I to pass judgment? There is no right or wrong, good or bad. Everything is what you make it. 

It's no secret that we are all different, yet there has been an average number or percentage put on almost everything. I for one, am so not average...and I have come to realize that many statistics are probably flawed anyways. I am choosing to live my life based upon the inner feelings I have, which change daily. Today I may feel like doing or saying something, and tomorrow I may do or say something that totally goes against what I was feeling the previous day. And that's okay. That's what we are meant to do. We are meant to live, and follow our hearts. Be open and free. Don't pigeon hole yourself and then feel stuck in a box just because you don't want to go back on your word or what you may have defined yourself as in the past. Words are only words. Who really cares anyways? One of my friends had a quote up  that said (haha I love quotes) "The ones who matter won't care, and the ones who care don't matter." 

Just live, and let things be as they are. Let you be as you are. Cuz ultimately we were all built in perfect harmony to achieve whatever it is we were put here to do. So just live the best you can and trust in the love that embodies each one of us.

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