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Monday, June 28, 2010

All You Need Is Love (Ba du du du du du, love is all you need)

True? Ya! I definitely think so. 

I took a good long, hard nap and woke up feeling beyond amazing! I looked in the mirror and sorta was glowing. It honestly tripped me out a bit. I was thinking about what could have caused this new found glow, and realized that me being happy and loving my life is most likely the culprit...

When we are in a happy place it totally shows outwardly. When someone is in love, they are constantly radiating with smiles. Love can turn any situation around. It's the most powerful emotion out there. 

I'm going to go a bit soggy on you guys today and take ya back a couple years into my crazy life. Actually...more than a couple years...I'll pretty much take you all the way back to as far as I can remember, cuz I have basically always wanted to change who I was, or be someone else. I've never really felt comfortable in my skin, and always thought I could do or be a better person. This constantly left me in a depressed state because I was never happy or satisfied with myself. I never enjoyed the moment or felt pleased with who I was, and instead was always looking for ways to improve myself to be more appealing to the ones around me. If something about me was out of place it would send me into a paranoid frenzy, causing me to focus on nothing but hiding my flaws from the people I came in contact with. Whoa boy, what a way to live. That's probably why I loved drinking so much - It allowed me to escape from my mind. I guess what I'm getting at here is that the reason why I'm in such a glowy state is because for the first time in my life I am in love with myself. 

Yes, yes I am totally conceited and think I'm better than you! Lol. No, I'm not selfishly in love with myself, I am humbly in love with myself. I have finally figured out that I have been created to perfection. God makes no mistakes. I am perfectly assembled to do whatever it is I have been put here to do, and guess what?! You are too!!

It's so spiritually detrimental to judge ourselves or wish we were something other than what we are at this very present moment. Change can be good, but we first must be happy with who we are right now. Love every bit of yourself, even the parts that you feel may not be up to par. Love the pimple on your face that is the size of Mt. Rushmore, love that beautiful,  lumpy cellulite buttocks you got going on. Oh come on...cellulite can be beautiful! Lol. 

What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter if we have flaws, cuz in the eyes of God they aren't actually there. If we hold on to our "flaws" and judge ourselves by them, than we are keeping ourselves trapped in a state of unhappiness. Just accept and love whatever it is you have put yourself down for in the past. And, it doesn't even have to be a body part, this goes for emotional things as well. Just sit down and be with yourself. Take the time to love every single thing about who you are today. Not who you want to be, but who you are right now. Let go of any standards you have set for yourself, and just accept the beautiful creation you are. Stop judging yourself on things that most people probably don't even notice. Truthfully - everyone is so wrapped up in their own stuff that they most likely don't even notice or care about what you may think is life threatening (i.e. that monster zit).  :P

So, what should you do today? Look in the mirror and love what you see! Love everything you see. Things will change on their own. Don't block yourself from being happy by hating or judging what you are. Just smile and brush off whatever it is you feel to be a disappointment in your life, cuz in all honesty it really isn't that big of a deal. The sooner you accept it and let go, the sooner you can move on and come back to that happy place we are all entitled to.

Love, Love, Love - Love is all you need :) 

Anyone now having the urge to watch the movie Love Actually? Haha me too!!

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