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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just a Little Inspiration

I love this picture and thought it matched the quote perfectly!
"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul." - Moshe Dayan

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm Gunna Let Him Fly, Fly OoOh (I'm...gunna let him fly)

So, it's 8:30am...I'm fresh out of the shower and feeling majorly inspired! I don't know what it is (well...ya I do) but I am bursting at the seams with energy! I almost feel crazy. I want to run around and jump and hug everyone in sight. It's creepin' me out a bit lol. 

So, here's what I want to get out today....

It is no mystery that God speaks to me through music. While I was taking a shower I couldn't get the Let Him Fly song by the Dixie Chicks out of my head. In all honesty this song has been haunting me for like the past month (lol I actually like the song, but for the context of this blog we will use the word haunting).

There is a particular person in my life that causes me a lot of...what's the word...discomfort. I love this person, but at the same time I find it almost impossible to love them. No matter how hard I try to accept them, they seem to do everything in their power to bug the hell out of me. I don't understand hardly anything they do, and wonder if they actually like making people feel bad. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. Nothing I say or do is right in their eyes, and lie after lie seems to spill from their mouth. It's extremely frustrating! Especially since they don't see, or at least don't seem to see, what it is they are doing. 

Now, I'm a firm believer in karma and know that whatever it is this person is doing has nothing to do with me. It's not my job to change this person, and it certainly is not my job to punish them. Yes, they bring out the worst in me...but when it comes down to it, they can't actually make me act a certain way. It is my own choice to react the way I do.

So, here's the major question: How do I love someone I can't stand? How am I suppose to accept the things they are doing when I feel so strongly against them? 

Praise the Lord, because I have been given (yet again) a simple answer... 

Just do it. Accept them for everything they are, and let them live their life the way they want to. Let go of the ties I feel I have to this person. There is no rule book that says just because someone is in your family you have to hang out with them. Love them from a distance. Do all you can to be happy in their presence, and don't allow them to bring their negativity down on you.

I know that every weakness I am faced with is actually a blessing in disguise. If I can truly accept that weakness then I will be made stronger for it. It's like when you work feel that burn, that pain in your muscle...all that pain represents is the building of strength. 

It goes the same for any problem we are faced with. God wouldn't put you through something you couldn't handle. So, and I know this seems silly, but be thankful for the problem! God is showing the problem to you so that you can move up and away from it. Where you are weak, He is strong. Whether you see it or not, everything in your life is a blessing. Nothing is there by accident. The world is this great design, and all we have to do is live the best we can. 

As for me, yes I am having this "problem," but in the midst of it I honestly feel joyful. Right now I really don't think anything could bring me down. What I am going to do is just go out into my day and do all the things that make me happy. Yoga, here I come! 

Here is the main part of that song that really spoke to me:

Ain't no talking to this man
Ain't no pretty other side
Ain't no way to understand, the stupid words of pride.
Cuz it would take an acrobat, and I already tried all that
I'm gunna let him fly....

I am no longer going to try and figure this person out. The reasons behind their actions are unimportant. What they do is on them. I love them, and in loving them I am going to let them go...because the relationship we have as of now is not a healthy one. I am leaving it in the hands of God, and I pray that I am given the strength to accept this situation. (And, in praying that, I already know that I have the strength...ah...relief!)

Okay nOw - Yoga here I come! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

I Don't Know Who I Am, Who I Am Without You....

The you I am referring to in this case is the person of my past. As much as I want to move on and let go of all the things that have previously given me trouble in my life, they still seem to pop up and cause me discomfort every now and again.

I know that right now I am taking huge strides in the right direction, but occasionally I still have things happen that like to bring me down and make me feel like I'm incapable of achieving all the things I want to in my life. With any type of change I think this is always a major factor. 

Moving on means leaving something behind...and lets face it...detachment is tough. Even if you know the thing you are detaching yourself from is horrible, for some reason it's still hard to let go of. Maybe letting go feels like giving up? Or losing? I dont' know, but what I do know is that it's super important to figure out the reasons behind the feeling of wanting to let go.

If you are having negative feelings about something, there is most likely a good reason for them. Feelings are our guiding force...they let us know when we are on the right track, or off it. When we feel bad we're blocking all the great things that are wanting to pour themselves into our lives. It's so easy to get stuck in a rut of negativity. One bad day brings on another bad day...and so on...

It's time to turn those bad days around. Whatever has happened in the past has already happened, and guess what?!? There's nothing you can do about it! Move on. Let go - and get on with your life. 

I just went through  my inbox and realized that I was subscribed to like ten different positive thinking websites, while there is nothing wrong with this, it just made me think - why in the world do I need to get e-mails from people telling me how to be happy, or how to bring great things into my life when I already know to do this?! I'm keeping myself stuck at the place of obtaining knowledge when I'm clearly already past that point. I know that I will never stop learning and there will always be new things to take in, but I also know that the secrets to living my own personal life have already been uncovered. I just want to be happy, and smile. I want to laugh at everything. If I trip and fall on my face, I want to get up and laugh. If I drop a coffee and splatter it all over the place in the middle of a rush - I want to laugh. 

Life is not meant to be taken so seriously!! Life is meant to be fun, and it's up to us to make it that way. Why on earth would you want to walk around with a sour look on your face? Don't you understand what you're putting out into the world by way of your actions? I truly can't believe that someone would choose a boring life. Yes, I understand that people have bad things happen to them...but how long are you going to let those things affect you? 

Guess what? All those bad things have already happened...which means you can get over them! That is, unless you like being confined by your problems...and common sense is telling me that you surely don't. 

Everyone has or has once had problems, there really is no getting around that. Making mistakes and learning from them is a part of life, but it's our choice to either brush the problem off or blow it up. How long do you want to hold on to your problems? Yes, letting go may feel awkward at first, but just think about how liberated you will feel once you're freed!

And you only have to let go once. Just give the problem to whatever it is out there that's bigger than us, (I like to refer to it as God) and be done with it. Stop talking about it and continuing to make it a problem. Let it go. Leave it up to God to fix it. 

So many times I think we feel like we have to undo our past, or make up for the bad things we may have done in life. It's really not that least I don't feel that it is. We have already been forgiven. God doesn't even see our flaws. God only sees our triumphs, it is only us who hold on and judge ourselves. There is no hell. We confine ourselves to what is known as hell by judging and putting down who and what we are. It only takes one prayer, and it only takes one thought to turn things around. 

We don't need to ask for forgiveness multiple times for the same things over and over. We have already been forgiven, we are already healed. Just get up and walk with your head held high - knowing that you are loved and blessed beyond measure. Put a spring in your step. Smile at a stranger. Laugh so loud that you attract attention. Love is contagious. Let's spread a little around, cuz we are filled with an endless supply.