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Friday, June 4, 2010

Losin' My Sight, Losin' My Mind (wish somebody would tell me I'm fine)

Another soggy day in Oregon. What have we done to offend the sun? I know the majority of Oregonians aren't ready for swimsuit season, but people! That's no reason to hex the sun from coming out. ;) 

Okay, I'm just bitter. Maybe this is a chance to appreciate the rain? Nah...IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE SUMMER! 

Day Nine: Do You Love Food Or The Way It Makes You Feel? (When I get that feeling, it's like sexual healing)

Food is stimulating. More than anything, we usually have an emotional attachment to food. How many times have you eaten when you weren't hungry? Do you wait until you actually have an empty stomach before shoveling more food into your mouth? Take this analogy: You're at work putting everything you have into a project. You're doing your best to finish the task at hand, when just then your boss comes in with a giant stack of papers...more work! What's the first thing you think? Holy shit! I'm already working on something, and now my boss wants me to worry about all this other stuff. Why couldn't they have just waited until I was finished with this first project. Now your attention is split between the first project and this new project that was slapped on you when you weren't ready. Well, that's just how our bodies work. We are the boss's of our body, and when we ingest food when we're not hungry, it's like giving your body unnecessary work. Work that it isn't ready for. So what happens? StReSS! When we aren't prepared to do something in life it tends to put stress on us. So why should our bodies be an exception? Giving it more than it needs only does damage. If you're hungry your body will send out signals to alert you. If you're not hungry, your body won't send out signals. Pretty easy right? Haha ya, if eating were only in relation to physical hunger it would be easy...but for me it's more about the mental stimulation. The filling of time, the fear of losing too much weight, and only eating because it's my lunch or break time. If our lives are full of joy there won't be such a need for food. People now a days consume way too much. Granted everyone has different lifestyles, so some people do need more than others, but for the most part we are way out of touch with our actual needs. The majority of society is hyped up on stimulants like caffeine and sugar. No wonder things are so out of whack. We shouldn't need multiple cups of coffee or a donut to get us going in the morning. That isn't actual energy, it is an illusion of energy that leaves you feeling dead tired a couple hours later, which means you making another trip to that coffee station to get your next fix. Lol I really hope my boss doesn't read these or I might be out of a job. I guess it's all just about asking yourself questions. Questions like, do I really want to feel imprisoned by these outside things? Nature has provided us with everything we need. It is humans who have warped stuff into unidentifiable substances. If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it. Life is meant to be simple. Keep it that way. 

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