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Monday, May 31, 2010

DaY FiVe

Success!! Dang it, I spell that word wrong every time lol thankfully that squiggly little red line appears under a word when my brain fails me.

Today was sort of a lazy day. Sat around, watched a movie, cleaned my stuff. I must add that I made a pretty good salad today though. It was romaine, cucumber, celery, and almonds with a cucumber avocado dressing I whipped up real quick. Sublime! It was just what I needed. 

In all honesty I am noticing a little drop in weight. Particularly in the bum region. This...I do not like. I am used to filling out my clothes fairly well, BuT I have confidence that my body will balance itself back out. I've done a lot of research on raw food and learned that in the first couple of months the body is doing a lot of cleaning house, which may result in weight loss, energy zaps, sickness, and even mixed emotional feelings. This is all because the body holds onto things, and when given the chance, releases what it doesn't need (emotions included). Now, when I first heard this I was like what the heck...that's crazy talk. My body doesn't hold onto emotions! Then I experienced detox symptoms and my mind quickly changed. When I first quit drinking is when I had the most difficulty with detox. Every little insecurity I ever had about myself was brought to the surface. It's actually a very good thing. All detox is, is our bodies way of trying to rebuild itself. Once I understood this concept it was much easier to deal with the up and down feelings that can sometimes come with any lifestyle change. So, I have faith that my backside will return someday lol. Having a flat ass for a while in exchange for a lifetime of excellent health seems like a pretty good trade-off to me. All-in-all though I'm still doing very good. Energy is up, I'm still able to ride my bike with no problem...and of course I am making it to yoga almost on a daily basis. My spirits are up and I'm pumped for day six

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