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Saturday, May 29, 2010



And the sun even made an appearance today, how nice! Lol. 

I managed to hit up Yoga again this morning, I can't even begin to express how beneficial Yoga is. I swear, it's like the best energy boost in the world! I can totally feel my body opening up and becoming more flexible, it's awesome. I was feeling a little on the dried up side today though ha ha between yesterdays class and this mornings I had only drank about 20oz of water. And with my bike rides to and from, get the picture. BuT, no sweat (ha ha honestly didn't mean that in reference to the Yoga). I just drank extra today and bought a coconut. The water is super yummy and excellent in assisting with re-hydration. Can be a little tricky to open, but that just adds to the fun of eating raw. It's one thing to eat a meal, but to eat a meal that you're totally engaged in from buying, to preparation, to eating -  gotta experience it to appreciate how much more satisfying the food is. I want to take it a step further and grow my own food! Don't really have much gardening area right now, but I'm thinking of looking into some pots to grow stuff out of. So, maybe in the near future I'll be putting up pictures of a mini garden? I do know that I wanna start sprouting. Sprouts are super good for energy, and liven up salads like you wouldn't believe. My favorite are sunflower sprouts. Ah, so good! This whole process so far has been fairly easy, not sure if it's because I've been experimenting with raw food for a good year now, or if it's because my mentality going into this time is a lot more positive, but I totally feel like I am doing the right thing. Ever just have that solid feeling of WoW, I'm on the right path? Yep, that's how it feels.

On to day four...

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