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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'll Be Your Parachute (Can't remember the rest of the lyrics LoL)

Hi! I am finally back online and SO ready to start posting again. I've been in Hawaii for about a month now - and it's been truly the most amazing experience of my life. I'm glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a chance. I miss my family so much, but love how supportive and understanding everyone has been about my move. Thank you :)

Anywho0o back to the real deal...this parachute song that I heard on the radio the other day has been stuck in my head for like a week. It's a super good song, but I think it's time to get it out of my head and onto my blog.

In all honesty I can't really understand what the chick is saying in the song other than I'll be your parachute lol but that must be all I needed to hear from it cuz it send my mind through a whirlwind of thoughts. A parachute is what? Well...lets see what Webster has to say...parachute : a folding, umbrellalike, fabric device with cords supporting a harness or straps for allowing a person, object, package, etc., to float down safely through the air from a great height. So basically it's a safety net that makes landing on your feet easier and ultimately saves you from being smashed into the ground like a pumpkin. Any arguments on that? Good, lets move on then :)

SoOo considering that I gain inspiration from music and have become comfortable in saying that God somehow speaks to me through this music, it's pretty safe to assume that the lesson here is that we all have a safety net and no matter how high we fall from we will always land safely on the ground with our legs underneath us. Now, I know what you're thinking, "but parachutes don't aLwAyS work." Well wanna know the good thing about the parachute I'm referring to? It ALWAYS works. God doesn't make mistakes and will never let us fall. The only way we can be defeated in anything is if we ourselves allow that defeat. If in everything we do we remember that we have the most powerful safety device backing us up there really is no end to what we can achieve. 

I have learned that many people are always looking for outside support to accomplish things. This is a losing battle. Yes, support from others is wonderful...but unless you can believe in yourself and turn to God for support you will always be falling short. No one can measure up to the love and encouragement that comes from God. No matter what kind of craziness is going on in our outside lives it's so important to keep our inside lives (our thoughts) on a happy/balanced track. This is definitely one of those easier said than done things - since I am still very much working on this myself, but it is possible and it can be done. Look inside yourself for the answers to any question you have - that's where you'll find the right answer. It can't come from anyone else. We are all different, and if you are constantly putting your life into the hands of others you will never be happy. No one but yourself knows what you truly want. Quit blaming other people for your's not their fault - it's yours. If you are unhappy it's because you are choosing to make yourself that way. Turn things around and start to depend on that parachute we each have. Be strong knowing that your landing will be smooth as long as you pull the cord and trust that the parachute will open and take care of you. Here comes a bible verse LoL : 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

No matter what it is you choose to believe in - just believe. Believing in something can make all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you finally got your computer. Another GREAT post. I miss you so much. Hugggs

