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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Got Goals?

The mark of a winner is intense goal orientation. 

The first step before you begin a journey is an undiminished decision as to where you are headed. 

Dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to achieving your goal.

As long as you're going to dream, dream great dreams. 

Work on yourself like a work of art through goal setting. 

Proper planning prevents poor performance.

      I borrowed these lines from David Wolfe's book, "The Sunfood Diet." This book covers it all - healthy nutrition and healthy thinking patterns. In my opinion healthy thinking patterns are FAR more beneficial than a healthy diet. The mind can do a lot - it can help us or trip us. If we are going to succeed in anything then we have to get our minds on track and in the right position to achieve our goals. Everyone has goals. There is always a burning passion within a persons heart. Those who follow that passion and live life to their fullest potential are the ones who enjoy life. Those are the people who are constantly smiling...and are always focused on what it is they want to do in life. 

Every single decision we make as humans does its part in shaping the world. What you do makes a difference. Even if you think you don't or can't add value to the world - you do. Start to live like every moment counts. Our future is not shaped by our past - rather it is our present actions that shape our future. Talk is cheap - actions always speak louder than words. The way you act on things determines your success. Act according to your dreams - not because you read to do so, but because you want to do so. 

Take a look at these twelve steps to goal achievement that were outlined by Brian Tracy:

1. Develop an intense desire to achieve your goals.
    *  If you don't have an intense desire to do something then maybe it isn't the right thing for you. It's all about passion. You'll know when you find something worth will make you feel so good that nothing else but that one thing will make sense. Just thinking about it will fill you up with happiness. 

2. Develop a strong belief in your goals. 
     * Know without a doubt that this goal is going to add value to your life. It is worth while and good will come of it. 

3. Write your goals down 
     * Make a list and check them off as you achieve them. 

4. Determine how you will benefit from achieving your goals. 
     * Not only how you will benefit, but also how others may benefit. 

5. Analyze your starting point. 
     * What is it that needs to be done in order to give you a great jump start? Maybe make a poster or vision board outlining all the things you want to see happen in your future. This is fun - totally brings ya back to the classroom days. Make it colorful and play around with pictures and maybe even some markers...oOohhh 

6. Set deadlines to achieving your goals. 
     * I'm not too sure how I feel about this whole deadline thing. Yes, it's good to have an outline of our goals, but to put a certain date as to when/where it should be achieved seems a little silly to me. Just set your goal and let things happen as they will. There really won't be an end if you just go with the flow of will just continue to unfold. One goal will lead to the next and things will fit together perfectly. 

7. Identify the obstacles that stand in your way. 
    * We will all face challenges along the path to success. Find out what it is that may be holding you back and do your best to pull away from those things. Fill your time up so much with the things you want that there is no longer any room in your life for the obstacles. 

8. Identify the additional knowledge or information you will require. 
    * I love this quote I heard - "All this struggling to learn when all we have to do is remember. All the wisdom we require is already within us." Can't remember who it was by, but it speaks such truth. You will be lead to whatever it is you need to succeed. If you are drawn to read a certain book or article, listen to yourself and follow that inner feeling. The information will come to you when you are ready to take it in. 

9. Identify the people whose cooperation you will require. 
    * People are great - two is better than one - the more the better. Connect with people who can support you in achieving your goal. Help comes in the most mysterious forms - be open to accepting that help...but remember that the biggest help you can get is the help that comes from believing in yourself. Don't ever fully rely on other people to make you happy or make your dreams come true. People are just helpers. You are the true creator of your life. People come and go, but you will be with you forever. Remember to depend on yourself more than anyone else, cuz ultimately only you can bring yourself true happiness.

10. Make a plan to achieve your goals. 
     * Determine the necessary steps that will need to be taken in order for you to obtain the things you want, and stick to it! 

11. Visualize the achievement of your goal. 
     * Envision what your future will look and feel like once your goal has been achieved. Hold onto that feeling throughout your day. Know that you are on the right track and making positive shifts in your life. Be sure of yourself and your goal, and be happy about it! 

12. Persist until your goals are achieved. 
      * As much as we'd all like things to be a breeze and come easy, many of us know that this isn't actually the case. Anything worth having is worth working for. It's going to take true effort and compassion to achieve your goal. Road blocks are going to present themselves, but just keep working hard and soon or later those road blocks are going to clear. 

Think about this - What happens when there is construction on the road? Traffic, right? Things move slow, people get frustrated, and it seems to take FoReVeR to make it to your destination. Well, think of working toward a goal as reconstructing your life. Things might move slow, you could get frustrated, and it may take what seems like forever to reach your goal....but sooner or later the road will be finished - complete with new pavement. Traffic will start to flow and after a while you won't even remember that old beat up road that was once there. Be patient with the work that needs to be done. 

Tomorrows blog? An outline of my own personal goal and how I am going to go about achieving it. Commitment! Uh oh...can she do it folks?

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